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Dr. penc p

This penis is thicker at the base and narrows as you get closer to the head, giving it a cone shape.


Pro tip: Give and get the most with any position that makes it easy to reach each other’s erogenous zones for simultaneous, manual, or sex toy play. With no angles to accommodate, you can eenie-meenie-miney-mo your way through every sex position you both consent to with little-to-no tweaking required. The straight penis maintains pretty much the same shape from shaft to head. The receiving partner lies on their back in a T angle and drapes their legs over their partner’s hip, ready for P-in-V or anal. This position begins with the penetrating partner on their side with their curve pointed toward the sky. Positions that allow you to work the curve toward the front wall of the vagina or rectum give you the same hot-spot advantage as those with banana shapes. If you or a partner is rockin’ a curve, a willingness to experiment with different angles will help you find what works for everyone. This type of penis has a noticeable curve to the right.

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Pro tip: Turn that frown upside down with rear-entry positions. The key to making the most of the curve is flipping your partner(s) around to get you closer to those pleasure spots. Like your upward counterpart, your curve also gives you an edge when it comes to reaching the hot spots that run along the front wall of the vagina or rectum. The curved downward penis is just as it sounds: a penis that, when hard, has a slight downward curve. That goes for penis-in-vagina (P-in-V) and anal sex. Pro tip: You can keep it simple with any variation of the missionary position and still rock their world thanks to that curve. Orgasms aren’t the be-all and end-all of partnered sex, but having the upward curve provides an advantage by making it easier to stimulate the G-spot, A-spot, and prostate. Like a banana, this penis curves slightly upward, at least when it’s erect.

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If there’s anything typical about penis shape, it’s that most tend to be cylindrical, often with a wider - or at least a more pronounced - head.

Dr. penc p